The roots of functional theory are found in Durkheim's notion of anomie ([1897] 1951). This literature review categorizes these perspectives into five areas, provides a brief overview of each, and analyzes and synthesizes the relevant, elements within each area. According to the conflict theorists, poor minority youth appear disproportionately in our delinquency statistics more because of class bias and police and court prejudice than because of actual behavioral differences. Sutherland had argued that individuals become white-collar criminals because they are immersed with their colleagues in a business ideology that defines illegal business practices as acceptable. New York: Free Press. Much of the work in this area seeks to explain why officially recorded delinquency is concentrated in the lower class, or in what is today more often called the underclass. Some consider a life of crime better than a regular job- at least until they are caught” (Bettmann/Corbis). Explain the differences between classical and biological theories of delinquency 3. This literature review categorizes these perspectives into five areas, provides a brief overview of each, and analyzes and synthesizes the relevant, elements within each area. They may be incidental or even random aspects of an individual's general behavior. CRIME CAUSATION: PSYCHOLOGICAL THEORIES It is hard to specify distinctively psychological theories of crime. Psychological theories explaining crime contend that individual differences in thinking or emotion regulation can explain why some people commit crime and others do not. Messner, Steven, Marvin Krohn, and Allen Liska 1989 Theoretical Integration in the Study of Deviance and Crime: Problems and Prospects. Merton's theory is used to explain not only why individual adolescents become delinquents but also why some classes are characterized by more delinquency than others. Campbell was educated at Eton and became a scholar of Trinity College, Cambridge. a developmental theory that focuses on changes in behavior as people travel along the path of life and how these changes affect crime and delinquency. The point is that not only the actor but also reactors participate in creating the meanings and definitions that generate-delinquency. For many years juvenile delinquency has been a difficult topic to be debated among psychologists, criminologists, and as well sociologists. These theories focus on institutions, such as the family and school, that socialize individuals to conform their behavior to values of the surrounding society and on the ways in which these institutions can fail in this task. In what is noted to be the “cycle of violence,” the causes of delinquency are adopted and continued throughout generations of a family. Crime among youthful members of the society can only be understood well by considering different social encounters by females in events where men want to demonstrate their prowess in ruling women. The next key factor of the chapter is the social process theory. Sociological theories, such as social control, containment, differential association, anomie, and labeling each reflect different levels of predictive utility relative to delinquent conduct. When legitimate and illegitimate opportunity structures are linked in this way, the streets become safe for crime, and reliable upward-mobility routes can emerge for aspiring criminals. Hirschi argues that delinquent behavior is inversely related to the presence of these controls. Psychological Theories of Delinquency ... Ward, Vanderzee, and Moeddel examined the correlation between Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and the juvenile’s delinquency. © 2019 | All rights reserved. The guiding principle in this entry is that psychological theories focus especially on the influence of individual and family factors on offending. Flashcards. This concept referred not only to associations among people but also, and perhaps even more important, to associations among ideas. Psychological theories are usually developmental, attempting to explain the development of offending from childhood to adulthood, and … will be so exercised as to bring mainly those who are politically powerless (e.g., the poor) into the purview of the law" (p. 268). Some of these theories … ——1961 "Juvenile Delinquency and Subterranean Values." "The way out, "Tannenbaum argues, "is through a refusal to dramatize the evil." The question structural-functional theories tr… Cloward and Ohlin suggest that three types of responses predominate, each one leading to its own respective subculture: a stable criminal subculture, a conflict subculture, and a retreatist subculture. "Juvenile Delinquency, Theories of Police and other processing agencies act on stereotypes that extend these gender differences in officially recorded delinquency. It is the psychological ap-proach to the study of juvenile delinquency which is to be examined here. Freud, for example, believed that conflicts th… Theories Regarding the Causes of Juvenile Delinquency Introduction Juvenile delinquency—crimes committed by young people—constitute, by recent estimates, nearly one-fifth of the crimes against people and one-third of the property crimes in the United States (Braga, 2005). ——, and Michael Gottfredson 1983 "Age and the Explanation of Crime." Shaw, Clifford, and Henry McKay 1931 Social Factors in Juvenile Delinquency. Which theories … Punishment must be swift, certain, and severe. Certainly. There should be speedy trials, and accused persons should have every right to present evidence in their defense. Neutralization Theory For Juvenile Delinquency 1115 Words | 5 Pages. Different types of community settings produce different subcultural responses. In each of the theories that we have considered thus far, values or beliefs play some role in causing delinquency. Juvenile delinquency refers to criminal acts performed by juveniles.Most legal systems prescribe specific procedures for dealing with juveniles, such as juvenile detention centers. American Sociological Review 26:712–719. Therefore, be sure to refer to those guidelines when editing your bibliography or works cited list. ." ——, and Bill McCarthy 1997 Mean Streets: Youth Crime and Homelessness. Crime is an injury to society, and the only rational measure of crime is the extent of the injury. Juvenile delinquents include youth who have contact with law enforcement and those who are adjudicated through juvenile court for a crime. That is, why do many adolescents violate behavioral norms that nearly all of us are assumed to hold in common? At root, Vold argues, the problem is one of intergenerational value conflict, with adults prevailing through their control of the legal process. Log in. Locate a recent juvenile case using the Internet. Crime prevention is more important than punishment. 1. New York: Free Press. Alistair is 17 years old and originates from Ayrshire. Choose which Theories applies- Deterrence, Biological, and Psychological Theories" Post a two paragraph discussion summarizing the article AND explaining which theories apply to the delinquency. Several psychological theories have been used to understand crime and delinquency. ." New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press. delinquency -and crime are not independent, but closely interrelated. PSYCHOLOGICAL APPROACH TO JUVENILE DELINQUENCY BISHWA NATH MUKHERJEE In the past few years, juvenile delinquency has been engaging the attention of public workers in India. The social-psychological theories relating to delinquency causation are presented in this chapter., "Juvenile Delinquency, Theories of A single and simple conception of theory is unlikely to apply across all fields, fr…, Criminology was born as one of the theoretical fields of social sciences or sociology because crime and criminal behavior are social phenomena with d…, String theory is a proposed unified theory of fundamental physics, incorporating both particle physics and gravity. Psychological Explanations of Delinquent Behavior Psychological factors have long been popular in the positivist approach to the cause of juvenile delinquency because the very nature of parens patriae philosophy requires treatment of youths who are involved in various forms of delinquency. Three major sociological traditions, including structural functionalism, symbolic interactionism, and conflict theory, contribute to the explanation of delinquency. To Durkheim, this term meant an absence of social regulation, or normlessness. Sykes and Matza (1957) argue that the delinquent, much like the white-collar criminal, drifts into a deviant lifestyle through a subtle process of justification. Because each style has its own formatting nuances that evolve over time and not all information is available for every reference entry or article, cannot guarantee each citation it generates. Juvenile Delinquency presents an integrated theoretical perspective on antisocial behavior. Theorists – serious and persistent crime and delinquency as an outward manifestation of mental illness. He felt that there are institutionalized paths to success in society. Boston: Ginn. American Sociological Review 26:664–670. Psychoanalytic theories emphasized the importance of loving relationships and attachment between children and their parents. A detailed discussion of Freud’s theory of psychoanalysis is beyond the scope of this report. Some are quite sophisticated, whereas others are predicated on rather basic “instinctive” conclusions that may or may not have a basis in fact. Thus Spitzer (1975) begins the formulation of a Marxian theory of delinquency (and deviance more generally) with the observation, "We must not only ask why specific members of the underclass are selected for official processing, but also why they behave as they do" (p. 640). About the author This sample paper is done by Joseph , whose major is Psychology at Arizona State University. Again, our theories have focused more on increases in delinquency than on its decline. Sutherland's purpose was to develop a general theory that explained delinquency as well as adult criminality. Cloward, Richard, and Lloyd Ohlin 1960 Delinquency and Opportunity: A Theory of Delinquent Gangs. For example, Lemert (1967) suggests the terms primary deviance and secondary deviance to distinguish between acts that occur before and after the societal response. Labeling Theory. Psychological theories of crime, like biological, connect criminal inclinations with a certain type of personality. He suggests that there is a gradual shift from defining specific acts as evil to defining the individual as evil. Chambliss, William, and Robert Seidman 1971 Law, Order and Power. This research proposal will focus on the psychological theories that help explain criminal behavior. This point is further emphasized in conflict theories. Sykes and Matza list four of these neutralization techniques: denial of responsibility (e.g., blaming a bad upbringing), denial of injury (e.g., claiming that the victim deserved it), condemnation of the condemners (e.g., calling their condemnation discriminatory), and an appeal to higher loyalties (e.g., citing loyalty to friends or family as the cause of the behavior). Any idea about the causes, extent, and correlates of juvenile delinquency is essentially a theory, such as equating juvenile delinquency with sin and violating God’s law. One pictures the old-style political machine, with protection provided for preferred types of illegal enterprise. "Juvenile Delinquency, Theories of Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press. The various disciplines, such as economics, psychology, and sociology, have differing assumptions about humans and human b… In the 20th century, some psychologists, relying on the ideas of Sigmund Freud, suggested that a small number of people develop an “immoral”, or psychopathic personality. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall. While most of the theories we have considered to this point portray the delinquent, especially the underclass delinquent, as markedly different from "the rest of us," Sykes and Matza (1957, 1961) follow Sutherland's lead in suggesting that the similarities actually outnumber the differences. For Instance, psychodynamic theory based on the research of Sigmund Freud. Acts of primary deviance are those that precede a social or legal response. Psychological Approaches to Juvenile Delinquency Deviant behavior is a term widely used by social scientists in reference to conduct that departs from accepted social norms. . Again, Hirschi's point is that no special strain between goals and means is necessarily required to produce delinquent behavior; all that is required is the elimination of the constraining elements of the social bond. A question lingered, however: Why are these delinquencies of the underclass more frequently made the subjects of official condemnation? Antisocial personality disorder, also called psychopathy, is the prominent disorder used to explain criminal behavior. Hirschi, Travis 1969 Causes of Delinquency. Homicide Rates." gives you the ability to cite reference entries and articles according to common styles from the Modern Language Association (MLA), The Chicago Manual of Style, and the American Psychological Association (APA). New York: Free Press. However, another important variant of structural-functional theory argued that the most important cause of delinquency was not a strain between goals and means but rather a relative absence of goals, values, commitments, and other sources of social control. Cloward and Ohlin see these types of communities as producing a conflict subculture. From this point on, the individual takes on more and more of the "deviant" aspects of his or her new role (Becker 1963, 1964). Power-control theory generally predicts that in more patriarchal families, sons will be subjected to less maternal control, develop stronger preferences for risk taking, be more delinquent, and more often be officially labeled for being so. These "double failures" are destined for drug abuse and other forms of escape. Spitzer, Steven 1975 "Toward a Marxian Theory of Deviance." So, for example, delinquent behavior is "learned in association with those who define such behavior favorably and in isolation from those who define it unfavorably," and this behavior occurs when "the weight of the favorable definitions exceeds the weight of the unfavorable definitions.". Juvenile delinquency has traditionally been defined as behavior exhibited by children and adolescents that has legal ramifications, such as engaging in illegal activity (statutory and criminal). New York: Oxford University Press. Symbolic-interactionist theories of delinquency are concerned less with values than with the way in which social meanings and definitions can help produce delinquent behavior. These theories focus on institutions, such as the family and school, that socialize individuals to conform their behavior to values of the surrounding society and on the ways in which these institutions can fail in this task. Tannenbaum sees the individual's first contact with the law as the most consequential, referring to this event as a "dramatization of evil" that separates the child from his or her peers for specialized treatment. Social Disorganization Theory. Lemert, Edwin 1967 Human Deviance, Social Problems and Social Control. Within the “Cite this article” tool, pick a style to see how all available information looks when formatted according to that style. Since members of the lower- or underclass are assumed to be most affected by the disparity between the goals and the means of attaining success, this class is expected to have a higher rate of delinquent behavior. When assessed against a "middle-class measuring rod," these children are often found lacking. Criminology in press. The significance of this difference in focus will become apparent as we consider the development of the symbolic-interactionist tradition. Three types of correlates were identified: the economic status of the community, the mobility of community residents, and community heterogeneity. A brief description of the main theories that have the greatest impact on the development of measures to juvenile delinquency prevention. Modern criminologists believe there are some biological factors increases the Psychological Approaches to Juvenile Delinquency Deviant behavior is a term widely used by social scientists in reference to conduct that departs from accepted social norms. Psychological theories focus on internal factors such as, personality and emotions. The purpose of punishment is to prevent crime. For example, he argues that "the juvenile gang . A result is a growing sense of "status frustration." In the end, symbolic interactionists do not insist that all or even most delinquent behavior is caused by officially imposed labels. A result of this disorganization is the prevalence of adolescent street gangs and their violent activities, making the streets unsafe for more profitable crime. Chambliss and Seidman (1971) observe that in modern, complex, stratified societies such as our own, we assign the task of resolving such issues to bureaucratically structured agencies such as the police. Shaw and McKay also attempted to determine the sorts of community characteristics that were correlated with delinquency so that they could infer from these characteristics what the central components of social disorganization were and how they caused delinquency. According to this viewpoint, determining which groups in society will experience more delinquency than others may be largely a matter of deciding which laws will be enforced. These theories place a great emphasis on early childhood development, such as moral development, cognitive development, and the development of interpersonal relations. (1920). In Order to Read Online or Download Psychological Trauma And Juvenile Delinquency Full eBooks in PDF, EPUB, Tuebl and Mobi you need to create a Free account. The cornerstone of the theory is the observation that, especially in more patriarchal families, mothers more than fathers are involved in controlling daughters more than sons. All of these experiences make delinquent behavior more likely, including the violent and instrumental kinds of delinquent behavior that may be precursors of adult criminality. Reiss, Albert 1971 The Police and the Public. Review the following document: Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology: Factors Contributing to Juvenile Delinquency. Merton outlined a number of ways individuals adapt when faced with inadequate means of attaining their goals. He argued that people violate laws only when they define such behavior as acceptable and that there is an explicit connection between people and their ideas (that is, definitions). Second one is Biological theory is when behavior is predetermined and is constitutionally or genetically based. Penalties must be based on the social damage caused by the crime. Cohen, Albert 1955 Delinquent Boys. Being labeled delinquent is thought, rather, to create special problems for the adolescents involved, often increasing the likelihood that this and related kinds of delinquent behavior will be repeated. developmental theory. The three theories are the anomie theory, the subculture theory, and the differential opportunity theory. There should be no capital punishment. There are other types of controls (besides commitment to conformity) that may also operate: involvement in school and other activities; attachments to friends, school, and family; and belief in various types of values and principles. PLAY. Subcultural Theory. Review the following document: Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology: Factors Contributing to Juvenile Delinquency. He pointed out that some aspects of juvenile delinquency—the play, adventure, and excitement—are a normal part of teenage street life and that, later in their lives, many nostalgically identify these activities as an important part of their adolescence. The fact that subcultural groups typically are also subordinate groups ties this work to earlier theoretical traditions discussed above. ——1942 Juvenile Delinquency and Urban Areas. Juvenile Delinquency Theories of Causation Many theories have been advanced to explain the cause of juvenile delinquency. Therefore, that information is unavailable for most content. Entire neighborhoods were seen as being socially disorganized, as lacking the cohesion and constraint that could prevent crime and delinquency. A result of this intensified mother–daughter relationship is that daughters become less inclined to take what they perceive as greater risks of involvement in delinquency. Early versions of symbolic-interactionist theories focused on how adolescents acquired these meanings and definitions from others, especially peers; more recently, theorists have focused on the role of official control agencies, especially the police and courts, in imposing these meanings and definitions on adolescents. This theory posits that delinquent children have gaps or lacunae in their superego and become scapegoats in families where parents project their own difficulties onto them, receiving vicarious pleasure from the delinquent acts of the child. The assumption, of course, is that these meanings and definitions, these symbolic variations, affect behavior. This chapter examines the creation and refinement of some of the most influential theories of delinquency. It is sufficient to note that Freud thought that human behaviour, including violent behaviour, was the product of “unconscious” forces operating within a person’s mind. Cloward and Ohlin's theory played a role in encouraging the Kennedy and Johnson administrations of the 1960s to organize the American War on Poverty, which attempted to open up legitimate opportunities for youth and minorities in the underclass (see Moynihan 1969). Juvenile Delinquency Theories There are many thoughts as to why juveniles become delinquent. Fast Download Speed ~ Commercial & Ad Free. Therefore, juvenile delinquency preventive programs should be based upon several theoretical approaches and developed for every particular case of juvenile delinquency. Explain the importance of theory and research 2. Cohen argues that these subcultural values represent a complete repudiation of middle-class standards: the delinquent subculture expresses contempt for a middle-class lifestyle by making its opposite a criterion of prestige. Finally, the intersection of personality, mental deficiency, and delinquency is explored. True. According to Cloward and Ohlin, this subculture can emerge only when there is some coordination between those in legitimate and in illegitimate roles—for example, between politicians or police and the underworld. Cloward and Ohlin (1960) argue that to understand the different forms that delinquent and ultimately criminal behavior can take, we must consider the different types of illegitimate opportunities available to those who seek a way out of the underclass and where these opportunities lead. Disorder used to explain the cause of juvenile delinquency. retrieved December,. Sort of behavioral imbalance this process a refusal to dramatize the evil ''! 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