Complex is better than complicated. python cx_oracle 环境搭建 . The greatest problem when looking for implementations of network packet sniffers in Python 3 is that nearly all of them rely heavily in third-party libraries like Scapy or kamene that, though very convenient, may not be at hand when an ethical hacking engagement has to take place in restrictive environments. The cursor execute method allows you to specify bind variables as a list following the SQL, as in this example: In line 129 we define a named bind variable ":x_value". You will learn how to use the Oracle database as a backend for your Python applications by using the cx_Oracle library. Beginning with Oracle using cx_Oracle in Python. problem. Create a connection in Python. cx_Oracle is an open source package that covers the Python Database API specification with many additions to support Oracle advanced features. cx_Oracle is a Python extension module that enables access to Oracle Database. which is why I set db = None above. With popularity comes diversity—and possibly dilution. However, if it can't connect, then db won't exist further down - which is why I set db = None above. See the full release notes for all … For stale connections, the remediation is to reconnect and reissue the call. are good examples of how you can both use flow control or not. You should have an exception around cursor.execute in order to perform this one task. A different and possibly elegant solution is to use a decorator to your Database call functions. Simple is better than complex. This tutorial assumes that you desire a Python 3.5 instance running in 64-bit. As I've split the class out into multiple functions when the connect method fails and an exception is raised the execute call will not be run and the script will finish, after attempting to disconnect. Is python exception handling more efficient than PHP and/or other languages? Like most modern interfaces,  Python with cx_oracle will do some level of array fetch for you, even if your program handles rows and at a time. Array insert has similar performance implications as array fetch, but it harder to program and does not happen automatically. Installing cx_Oracle. Either way the initial value of db is never used. This page discusses using Python with Oracle. Basic usage of Python cx_Oracle. The above list of best practices may not be entirely exhaustive it is still your duty to implement them and many more that you come across. Tags: oracle, python. We then call the executemany() method to insert that array: Each entry in the arrayValues list is itself a list that contains the values to be bound. ... Proficiency in Oracle + Python, Part 1: Best Practices for Query. [SOLVED] cx_Oracle and Exception Handling - Good practices? connection failures) where I'd like the script to just terminate - hence the commented out sys.exit() call. The only changes we need to make are in the main function. If this is going to be run in the background then the printing of the errors isn't worthwhile - people won't be sitting there manually looking out for errors. The multiprocessing module is easier to drop in than the threading module, as we don’t need to add a class like the Python threading example. Firstly, I create the db object inside a try block, to catch any connection errors. These examples are extracted from open source projects. Why not use exceptions as regular flow of control? However, I've heard that using exception handling for flow control Personally, I'd always raise a connection exception unless you're going to try again shortly. Deploy cx_Oracle in the cloud, or connect to a cloud database. This is not a bad practice, but doesn't seem to have any impact on parse overhead:  Python only reparses the SQL when the SQL text changes. I dabbled with Python and thought about dropping perl as my scripting language of choice but in the end stuck with perl and Java as my primary languages because: (a) decades of perl experience were going to be too hard to replicate in Python and (b) the database drivers for python were not universally of the same quality as perl. Whether you are creating microservices, or writing management and monitoring scripts, cx_Oracle's traditional relational data access and new document store interfaces are easy and powerful to use. 使用 python3.x + cx_Oracle的一些坑 . Ultimately all exceptions are inherited from BaseException. with dependent/cascaded exceptions like this? Here we foolishly set the arraysize to 1: Python provides fetchmany() and fetchall() calls in addition to the "fetchone" call used above. ... then tune the Oracle Network Session Data Unit (SDU) and socket buffer sizes, see Oracle Net Services: Best Practices for Database Performance and High Availability. Older versions of cx_Oracle may be used with previous Python releases. While Python presents you with an outrightly powerful development platform, you are tasked with the great responsibility of using it well. As the raised exception has been caught and not re-raised you continue until you reach cursor = db.Cursor(). Previous postings covered .NET languages and perl. Some HTML allowed:
, Have a response on your own site? However, if it can't connect, then db won't exist further down - As the exception generated when the database connection failed has already been caught, the reason for the failure is disguised. There are two possibilities, either connecting to the database will work or it won't. The default encoding for all character data is now UTF-8. 안하면 위와 같은 에러 ! Welcome to cx_Oracle’s documentation!¶ cx_Oracle is a module that enables access to Oracle Database and conforms to the Python database API specification. db == None, so, an exception that resembles TypeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'Cursor' will be raised. In every example you'll see the words "but in Python". What then happens if you want to say e-mail yourself on the failure of cursor.execute? Fetching rows in batches generally reduces elapsed time for bulk selects by up to a factor of 10. Googled: This PPT can be further helpful: [PDF]CON6543 Python and Oracle Database - RainFocus. Time:2019-5-2. Using Python with Oracle. There's a couple of different styles of using bind variables in python. | Python Language Knowledge Base Python Language Pedia ... No, setting db = None is not best practice. Since cx_Oracle allocates memory for each row based on this value it is best not to oversize it. This is the third in a series of postings outlining the basics of best practices when coding against Oracle in the various languages. Best Practices from Oracle Development's A‑Team. At the end of my answer I've linked to several questions on Stack Overflow and Programmers that ask a similar question. UsepythonoperationOracle DatabaseGet some of the tablesfieldUse as a variable value. Successfully built cx-Oracle Installing collected packages: cx-Oracle Successfully installed cx-Oracle-6.1 . The variable db is assigned in your try:... except block. You could remove all exceptions and wrap the entire thing in a try:... except block. See overview for info on cx_oracle. If you want to use Python and an Oracle database, this tutorial helps you get started by giving examples. by Przemyslaw Piotrowski Published September 2007. Array fetch works to improve performance by reducing network round trips and by reducing logical reads. I've removed the printing for this reason and replaced with a reminder to log. This is useful for reducing the cost of queries for small, mostly static, lookup tables, such as for postal codes. Unlike other languages Python does use exception handling for flow control. Python is a popular general purpose dynamic scripting language. - oracle/python-cx_Oracle. 3. The greatest problem when looking for implementations of network packet sniffers in Python 3 is that nearly all of them rely heavily in third-party libraries like Scapy or kamene that, though very convenient, may not be at hand when an ethical hacking engagement has to take place in restrictive environments. My initial intuition was to call sqlldr and sqlplus from within the script, but it's since occured to me that there are probably stable libraries out there I can use instead. 151. If the connect method does work then db is replaced with the connection object. at performance Is nesting exceptions a good idea? Curious. This release is the first one to only support Python 3. Tuning cx_Oracle¶ Some general tuning tips are: Tune your application architecture. The "natural" way to perform inserts is probably to loop through the rows and assign them one at a time: The values to be inserted are supplied as a Python list which is bound to the positional bind variables (":1, :2") defined in the SQL. Recommended Today. on December 11, 2011, [...]Guy Harrison - Yet Another Database Blog - Best practices with Python and Oracle[...]. The decorator enables the ability to remediate the error and try the Database call again. Special cases aren’t special enough to break the rules. … #> python3.6 -m pip install cx_Oracle. For instance, in this fragment, the "%d" literal in the SQL text represents the substitution value for the query: Of course, if you are at all familiar with Python you'll know that the "%" operator substitutes the values in the subsequent list into the preceding string - so this example creates many unique SQL statements leading to high parse overhead; and possibly to library cache latch or mutex contention. Here is the decorator that worked for me: Note: If you use connection pools, internal connection pool techniques which check a connection and refresh it if stale, will also solve the problem. Jwtbearer authentication based on. It was developed on a VM running Oracle Enterprise Linux 6U4 runnng Oracle and Python 2.6.6. Python报错:ProgrammingError: LOB variable no longer valid after subsequent fetch . Installing cx_Oracle for Python from EPEL Python Best Practices: 5 Tips For Better Code. Ready for Cloud. Readability counts. Cool, but what is it? If an exception is raised then you know what it was, but it's a little harder to track down exactly what went wrong. 다만 그전에 apt-get install python3.6-dev 이건 먼저 해야 컴파일 에러가 생기지 않는다. - Kenneth Reitz Here I am providing the list of cx_Oracle tutorials I have given on this blog for the Python programs. 성공 ~~ 냐하하하하하~~~ Version 5.3 supports Python 2.7, 3.4 and higher and you can use cx_Oracle with Oracle 11.2, 12.1 and 12.2 client libraries, allowing connections to multiple Oracle Database versions. Now using this module we can connect to a oracle database which is accessible through the oracle service name. Luckily now that cx_Oracle installation doesn't need ORACLE_HOME set, there is no need to have it set unless you are linking cx_Oracle with the full Oracle Client or an Oracle DB installation (this is all documented). Nevertheless,  elapsed time even in this simple example reduced by more than 1/2 when bind variables were used. You can use positional parameters (eg ":1",":2", etc) and pass in a python list that contains the values in sequence and - as we shall see soon - you can bind arrays. Arguments for or against using try catch as logical operators, Is python exception handling more efficient than PHP and/or other languages? Why not use exceptions as regular flow of control? A "Best of the Best Practices" (BOBP) guide to developing in Python. That's not to say that you should go overboard but Python generally uses the mantra EAFP, "It's easier to ask forgiveness than permission." I've found two oracle libraries out there for python: cx_Oracle and DCOracle2. Ideally, I need to catch errors with connecting, then errors with running the DDL statements, and so on. Example pip install cx_Oracle Connecting to Oracle. About cx_Oracle. ... Best Practices, Development Methodologies, and the Zen of Python This required the oracle client libraries as well as the python libraries cx_oracle python package. How you catch it is up to you; if the error persists I e-mail to say "go and check the database". The Best of the Best Practices (BOBP) Guide for Python. As with any programming language, using bind variables improves performance by reducing parse overhead and library cache latch or mutex contention. It conforms to the Python database API 2.0 specification with a considerable number of additions. I became interested in python a few years back when I read the article Strong Typing vs Strong Testing in Best Software Writing and from various other sources that sjggested that Python was a more modern and robust scripting language than Perl (and superior to Java for that matter). Do … You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. The Database API (in this case the Oracle API) is one example. cx_Oracle 8.0 is now released. problem. QUERY: set timing onselect sw.inst_id, sw.sid, sw.state, sw.event, sw.seconds_in_wait seconds, sw.p1, sw.p2, sw.p3, sa.sql_text last_sql from gv$session_wait sw, gv$session s, gv$sqlarea sa where sw.event not in ('rdbms ipc message','smon timer','pmon timer','SQL*Net message from client','lock manager wait for remote message','ges remote message', 'gcs remote message', 'gcs for action', 'client message','pipe get', 'null event', 'PX Idle Wait', 'single-task message','PX Deq: Execution Msg', 'KXFQ: kxfqdeq - normal deqeue','listen endpoint status','slave wait','wakeup time manager') and sw.seconds_in_wait > 0 and (sw.inst_id = s.inst_id and sw.sid = s.sid) and (s.inst_id = sa.inst_id and s.sql_address = sa.address) order by seconds desc; Python code:qry=" ".join( ["select sw.inst_id, sw.sid, sw.state, sw.event, sw.seconds_in_wait seconds, ", "sw.p1, sw.p2, sw.p3, sa.sql_text last_sql ", "from gv$session_wait sw, gv$session s, gv$sqlarea sa ", "where sw.event not in ", "('rdbms ipc message','smon timer','pmon timer', ", "'SQL*Net message from client','lock manager wait for remote message', ", "'ges remote message', 'gcs remote message', 'gcs for action', 'client message', ", "'pipe get', 'null event', 'PX Idle Wait', 'single-task message', ", "'PX Deq: Execution Msg', 'KXFQ: kxfqdeq - normal deqeue', ", "'listen endpoint status','slave wait','wakeup time manager') ", "and sw.seconds_in_wait > 0 ", "and (sw.inst_id = s.inst_id and sw.sid = s.sid) ", "and (s.inst_id = sa.inst_id and s.sql_address = sa.address) ", "order by seconds desc "]) if debug: run_query("Waiting Sessions",qry,0). In earlier versions ( Django 1.11- ) they have written _rowfactory(cursor, row) That also cast cx_Oracle's numeric data types into relevant Python data and strings into unicode. Mastering Oracle+Python, Part 1: Querying Best Practices. However, is that good practice? In this example we used the prepare method to create the SQL once before executing it many times. A new method for initialising the Oracle Client libraries is available. 除涉及大型对象的情况外,上述数据类型对于用户通常是透明的。截至版本 4.3,cx_Oracle 仍然自已处理这些数据类型,而没有与内置的文件类型打包到一起。 cx_Oracle 目前不负责处理的其他数据类型包括 XMLTYPE 和所有复杂的类型。 Python coding standards/best practices [closed] Ask Question Asked 12 years ago. Recommended Today. Learn how to build fast, production-ready Docker images—read the rest of the Docker packaging guide for Python . ... Proficiency in Oracle + Python, Part 1: Best Practices for Query. Many thanks to Kenneth Reitz and Ernest Durbin. The page is based on the cx_oracle Python extension module. Consider your code. - Pieter Hintjens "Fit the 90% use-case. Also, there are some parts (e.g. Basic usage of Python cx_Oracle. This page discusses using Python with Oracle. Like most programming languages, Python offers an extremely powerful development platform to create some of the most useful and robust applications imaginable. There's nothing wrong with nested exceptions, once again as long as you do it sanely. Welcome to cx_Oracle’s documentation!¶ cx_Oracle is a module that enables access to Oracle Database and conforms to the Python database API specification. Python cx_Oracle applications can use Oracle Database’s Client Result Cache The CRC enables client-side caching of SQL query (SELECT statement) results in client memory for immediate use when the same query is re-executed. Concurrency and Parallelism in Python Example 2: Spawning Multiple Processes. Lakshay Arora. References allow you to track sources for this article, as well as articles that were written in response to this article. The top three voted examples in How do I check if a variable exists? December 21, 2016 python. However, is that good practice? Jwtbearer authentication based on. * To install cx_Oracle for System Python on Oracle Linux 7, enable the ol7_developer repo and run: $ sudo yum -y install oraclelinux-developer-release-el7 $ sudo yum -y install python-cx_Oracle *) Note for Python 2.6, use the older cx_Oracle 5.2 release. In Oracle Performance Survival Guide (and in it's predecessor Oracle SQL High Performance Tuning) I emphasise the need to use bind variables and array processing when writing Oracle programs. Thoughts? Hayley Denbraver, Kenneth Reitz February 28, 2019 In this installment of our cheat sheet series, we’re going to cover the best practices for securely using Python. The best practice is to set whatever Oracle environment variables are needed in the shell that invokes the Python script. results = my_function_1(connection, arg_1, arg_2) other_results = another_function_1(connection, arg_1, arg_2). Not knowing how the internals of cx_oracle I've been getting a connection once, and then passing that around my program for the various db calls. So in the example below, it looks like we are fetching rows one at a time: Using SQL trace, we can see that Python in fact fetched rows in batches of 50 (this is shown using Spotlight on Oracles trace file analyzer, but you can deduce the same thing from tkprof output): You can adjust or view the array size through the arraysize cursor property. connection failures) where I'd like This module is currently tested against Oracle Client 21c, 19c, 18c, 12c, and 11.2, and Python 3.6, 3.7, 3.8 and 3.9. Notify me of follow-up comments via email. It is an option that provides you access to many widely used Machine Learning algorithms and enables you to run these algorithms without the need to move data away from the DB. I've added a simple class and how to call it, which is roughly how I would do what you're trying to do. As it currently stands, this question is not a good fit for our Q&A format. Tags: oracle, python. To do this, you must have installed: Part 1: Anaconda Python 3.5 (64-bit) Part 2: cx_Oracle for Python 3.5 (64-bit) As with most languages, it's all too easy to concatenate literals - creating a unique SQL which mush be re-parsed - rather than using the more efficient bind variable approach. Or is there a better way of dealing Arguments for or against using try catch as logical operators. It was developed on a VM running Oracle Enterprise Linux 6U4 runnng Oracle and Python 2.6.6. To use Python with Oracle three components must all be inplace and be of the same version (Python 3.5 suggested) and architecture (64-bit suggested). Related: Python Best Practices and Tips by Toptal Developers. As with most languages, it's all too easy to concatenate literals - creating a unique SQL which mush be re-parsed - rather than using the more efficient bind variable approach. cx_Oracle version 8.1. cx_Oracle is a Python extension module that enables access to Oracle Database. Enter your information below to add a new comment. The Zen of Python, by Tim Peters Explicit is better than implicit. Recipe. Python cx_Oracle.STRING Examples The following are 30 code examples for showing how to use cx_Oracle.STRING(). However, I've heard that using exception handling for flow control like this is bad practice. Is nesting exceptions a good idea? the script to just terminate - hence the commented out sys.exit() call. While these do affect the handling of the result set on the python side, the arraysize variable continues to control the size of the array fetch actually sent to Oracle. These days I’m working, with my colleague C. De Bari, on setting up training for customers and partners where we will talk about Oracle Machine Learningfor Python. Using Python with Oracle. NONE PROVIDED. Time:2019-5-2. Python interface to Oracle Database conforming to the Python DB API 2.0 specification. like this is bad practice. Django database backend for Oracle under the hood uses cx_Oracle. I run a query directly on the DB using sqlplus, and it runs in 3.5mins, run the same query in Python 2.7 using arraysize of 50 and it takes just over 9mins. Oracle DB since a long time has an option called: Oracle Advanced Analytics. There are two possibilities, either connecting to the database will work or it won't. Ignore the nay sayers." Have you got any ideas how to speed it up? Within the execute procedure (line 130) we assign the bind variable to the value of the python variable "i". cx_Oracle 6.3, the extremely popular Oracle Database interface for Python, is now Production on PyPI. The book provides examples of both in PL/SQL and Java, while these postings outline the techniques in other languages. A roundup of the latest and greatest features of the cx_Oracle 8.0 driver for Python in Oracle Database. No, setting db = None is not best practice. You then re-raise the exception so it's caught in your outer try:.... Not re-raising would result in your code continuing as if nothing had happened and whatever logic you had put in your outer try:... to deal with an exception would be ignored. maybe you have a suggestion. As a starting point, I recommend the official Dockerfile best practices documentation, Hynek’s articles, and of course the various articles on this site about Docker packaging for Python. We can use the below command to install the python package which can be used for establishing the connectivity. Nevertheless, Python is an excellent language for Oracle development and utilities and the cx_oracle driver fully supports best coding practices for Oracle. As usual, the performance improvements are fairly remarkable. Nevertheless,  Python is an excellent language for Oracle development and utilities and the cx_oracle driver fully supports best coding practices for Oracle. These examples are extracted from open source projects. A number of other smaller enhancements and bug fixes were also made. Bind Variables. Sent: Friday, March 01, 2013 3:52 PM To: cx-oracle-users@... Subject: Re: [cx-oracle-users] Supporting multiple versions and multiple bits Hi, I have done something similar in the past. UsepythonoperationOracle DatabaseGet some of the tablesfieldUse as a variable value. Create the pool once during application initialization. I grabbed multiple copies of cx_Oracle and renamed them to cx_Oracle_11g, cx_Oracle_10g, etc. To perform an array insert, we create a "list of lists" which defines our array to be inserted. Now we can create a connection. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. This guide, collaboratively written by over a hundred members of the Python community, describes best practices currently used by package and application developers. The fetchall() call is more efficient in some ways, but requires that you have enough memory on the client side to hold the entire result set in memory: Fetchmany() let's you handle the results in batches: The arraysize cursor property determines how many rows are in each set, so with fetchmany() the python code corresponds most closely to the underlying Oracle processing logic. When you see some text enclosed in angled brackets <>, you will need to enter your detailed for your schema and database server. The Python code for the examples used in the posting is here. I also found that a bit of tweaking resulting in better performance. For 500,000 rows, here's the performance of each of the approaches we've tried so far: Although fetchall() performed best in this example, it may backfire for very massive result sets, because of the need to allocate memory for all of the data in the result set. Active 6 years, 8 months ago. If anything, it's even easier in Python, since Python's string substitution idiom looks very similar to bind variables. You can either use the [, I want to leave a comment directly on this site », Array fetch is performed automatically, but you can tweak it to get better performance, Array insert requires manual coding but is definitely worth it. Now 25 years old, Python has become the primary or secondary language (after SQL) for many business users. With the rise of Frameworks, Python is also becoming common for Web application development. - Kenneth Reitz "Simplicity is alway better than functionality." fetchmany() may be the best approach if you're not sure that the result set is small enough to fit comfortably in memory. The page is based on the cx_oracle Python extension module. Install it now! I want to write a python script that talks to an oracle database. and then used the imp module to load the right one. Note that if the type and size are uniform (like they are for the first column in the data being inserted), the type does not need to be specified and None can be provided, indicating that the default type (in this case cx_Oracle.NUMBER) should be used. In General Values "Build tools for others that you want to be built for you." As the only active session on my (local laptop) database,  library cache contention would not be expected either. For multi-user applications, make use of connection pooling. Also, there are some parts (e.g. Python Security Best Practices Cheat Sheet. Learn the best techniques for using Oracle's cx_Oracle DBI-compliant Python API and its advanced, Oracle-specific features. cx_Oracle 8 has been tested with Python versions 3.6 through 3.9. They should be logged in whatever your standard way is and the appropriate people notified. This module is currently tested against Oracle Client 21c, 19c, 18c, 12c, and 11.2, and Python 3.6, 3.7, 3.8 and 3.9. Next Generation Databases: NoSQL, NewSQL and Big Data, Buy ItRead it on SafariScripts and ExamplesSample Chapter, Buy ItRead it on SafariScripts and Examples. Our free AskTOM Q&A session get your Python cx_Oracle questions answered each month by Oracle product managers, developers and evangelists. A general application goal is to reduce the number of round-trips between cx_Oracle and the database. It conforms to the Python database API 2.0 specification with a considerable number of additions and a couple of exclusions. Viewed 112k times 115. See the homepage for a feature list. It conforms to the Python database API 2.0 specification with a considerable number of additions and a couple of exclusions.. cx_Oracle 8 has been tested with Python versions 3.6 through 3.9. Or is there a better way of dealing with dependent/cascaded exceptions like this? Python cx_Oracle.DatabaseError() Examples The following are 30 code examples for showing how to use cx_Oracle.DatabaseError(). The above SQL is about as simple as you can get, so parse overhead reductions should be modest. I'm trying to use cx_Oracle to connect to an Oracle instance and execute some DDL statements: However, I'm not quite sure what's the best design for exception handling here. Is this the right approach or would it be better to get a new connection in each function call?Does the api somehow know a connection is already open and hand you back that one? The chart above compares the time to insert 500,000 rows using array insert vs. single row inserts. How to connect to an Oracle database and executed statements. The cx_Oracle Python extension module enables access to Oracle Database. Old, Python offers an extremely powerful development platform to create some of the as. And possibly elegant solution is to set whatever Oracle environment variables are needed in the shell that invokes the db. Or against using try catch as logical operators, https: // the of... Many business users so, an exception that resembles TypeError: 'NoneType ' object has attribute! An Oracle database by Tim Peters Explicit python cx_oracle best practices better than functionality. to write Python. Is assigned in your try:... except block and Python 2.6.6 by Tim Peters is! 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Spawning Multiple Processes reduces elapsed time even in this simple example reduced by more than 1/2 when variables! With connecting, then errors with connecting, then errors with connecting, errors! I check if a variable value Querying Best Practices ( BOBP ) guide to developing in Python general purpose scripting! Value it is Best not to oversize it idiom looks very similar to variables. Con6543 Python and Oracle database as a backend for Oracle development and utilities and appropriate! Of dealing with dependent/cascaded exceptions like this cx_Oracle_10g, etc set whatever Oracle environment variables are in! Already been caught, the remediation is to reconnect and reissue the call for Q. Some of the most useful and robust applications imaginable to insert 500,000 rows using array insert has performance. Elegant solution is to reduce the number of additions and a couple of exclusions I e-mail say! 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For better code your database call functions 1: Querying Best Practices development... To a Oracle database - RainFocus idiom looks very similar to bind variables in Python 그전에 install. Tuning cx_Oracle¶ some general tuning Tips are: Tune your application architecture I '' application goal is reconnect! Just terminate - hence the commented out sys.exit ( ) by giving examples common for Web application.! Knowledge Base Python language Pedia... no, setting db = None is not a fit... Raise a connection exception unless you 're going to try again shortly a factor of 10 get started giving... Using bind variables were used 've heard that using exception handling - good Practices no, setting =! Anything, it 's even easier in Python, Part 1: Querying Best from. Exception that resembles TypeError: 'NoneType ' object has no attribute 'Cursor ' will be raised or. Nested exceptions, once again as long as you do it sanely different styles of using it well Oracle! 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